Thursday, February 15, 2007

Cleanliness is next to Manliness

In today's WSJ "Tricks of the Trade" column, John Allan Meing, Chief Groomer at Saks and Barneys in New York was profiled. If you have ever seen this guy in person, you will agree that he is absolutely the most handsome guy in the world - he just glistens. Mr. Meing discusses his personal-care regimen. I found his discussion surrounding shaving at night pretty interesting: "Mr. Meing shaves at night rather than in the morning. He gets the water hot to prep his face (the hot water opens up the pores) and then lathers on the cream, and shaves his face with the direction of the hairs. Then he lathers up again and shaves a second time - this time against the grain. "It's like cutting grass, " he says. "If you want a close cut on grass, you've got to go against the way the grass grows." He uses a Gillette Mach 3 blade. "Three blades is enough. I tried five blades and didn't see a real benefit from it." Mr Meing says he finds night a relaxing time to shave, often after his four kids are in bed. His wife will typically sit in the bathroom as he shaves, sipping a glass of wine. He'll have a glass of scotch nearby. He says they talk and consider that a good way to wind down." Are you kiddin' me? Courtesy of the WSJ.

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