Wednesday, February 7, 2007

A Man's Man

About a year ago, while sitting around a smoky table in Dubai drinking highballs and blowing smoke rings with some international expat friends of mine, we all got to talking about where the hell have all the "men" gone in the world. What started out as a glib conversation turned into many letters crossing the pond during the next year or so and many very long phone conversations. I am not sure why, but ideas seemed to pour out of everyone from: what exactly is a "man's man", to "how does one know one when one sees one", to where do we find them, to, finally, "who are some examples of these people". Hemingway immediately popped into our heads as the quintessential "man's man" and then there, of course, was John Wayne. But the real question became, "who would be considered to be the top 15 or so "Man's Man" since the beginning of recorded history. Aaaah! This what we will do during the next few months - stay tuned....


Anonymous said...

Love it, one recommendation...why not do the 20 world's biggest cowards. Suggestions...Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Al Sharpton, Ted Kennedy, the Iranian leader, etc...

Anonymous said...

Another suggestion for possible candidate for the worlds biggest cowards or cowards in sports if u would do that could be barry bonds, and mark mcgwuire!