Friday, February 16, 2007

A Turtleneck is the most flattering thing a man can wear...

I opened up my email this morning only to find a fellow blogger referencing yesterday's shaving blog reminding me of a 1996 GQ article (Tom Cruise is on the cover) with an article titled, "My Father's Fashion Tips". The article was written by Tom Junod, a GQ writer and editor. He writes about how his father (man on far right in the photo) taught him not only how to dress, but how to be a man. It is a hilarious article - I have heard others refer to this article and I was lucky enough to find an old copy and re-read the article once again. Some excerpts: "For decades he's tried to share them with me; his principles, his rules, his secrets - the canon by which he's lived his life". Another one: My father, holding in one hand a drink and a cigarette. He has a fresh burn, and is wearing a suit of midnight blue with a silver tie and a handkerchief in the pocket. He has French cuffs, and he's showing plenty of them. It is 1962; he is 43 years old, and, by God, he is glowing." I loved this one: "A lot of people thought my dad looked like Sean Connery, and told him so. He never liked the comparison, however, because one night he had seen Connery on Johnny Carson and he crossed his legs, and he was wearing ankle socks. And if there's anything I can't stand, it's ankle socks!"

Here are his dad's Five Rules of Style:
1) The Turtleneck is the most flattering thing a man can wear;
2) There is nothing like a fresh burn;
3) Always wear white to the face;
4) Make sure to wear plenty of cuff;
5) The better you look, the more money you make

I swear, I am not making this stuff up! Email me and I will send you a hard copy of the article.

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